a quote:
“magic, if Gryffindor had a punk band”
– Idris Goodwin, playwright
-Denver, CO
-Improv Punk Psychedelic Junk Wave Sufi Doom Surf
-Unsigned, Untamed
Chris Eason-Axe/Shred;
Matt Clifford-Bass/Thump;
Dreamiboi (usually)-Drums/Bang
Squidds Madden- Tenor Sax
Diogenes Dreamer- Alto Sax
Painter- Violin
Jochanaan- Flutes
Alex White- Tuba et al
Eli Whittington- Leadest Singer
Black Market Translation was born from dirt protesting songs written at the Second Wave Council of Punklandia in 1577 fully formed with electric instruments for hands, lighters as eyeballs, and a head of firewood for brains. They immediately walked off stage and had bad band practices hidden under the bursting bombs of minor revolutions misunderstanding banned ideas for several centuries before finally being apprehended by the Boulder Police Department and sued for breach of contract by God. Here, as part of the terms and commandments of their sacred indentured servitude, they have been tasked with providing a concert for which they have Prepared Nothing. Please boo Black Market Translation until they are motivated enough to fuck off in your drink, and remember, you are equally free to dance or leave or piss or slam and scream at any time.
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"1.31 is a lot of things: occasionally frenzied, occasionally brooding, and prone to extended bouts of throttling psych-punk crescendos; if Can and King Crimson are the vintage influences here, Oh Sees and Nothing are the more contemporary counterparts. Clifford cites Lightning Bolt and Death Grips, admiring how the latter “can change on a dime and throw a bunch of things into the bag.” Anderson points to the more extended drumming that emerged in jazz in the 1970s (in no small part because of Miles Davis's overwhelming innovating affect on the genre as a whole). But Anderson also concedes that “pretty much anything at this point is an influence.” -Denver Westword
"At times exploratory and spacey, other times sharp and bombastic, 1.31 is an exploration in instrumental punk that is as twisted as the concept itself, and that makes it delightfully alluring."
-Marquee Magazine
"Punketry is more of a departure, some might say an evolution. It’s creepy and raw and totally authentic." -Boulder Weekly
"This music is wild. It is fully improvised and completely lacking in overdubs, which is not to say it is primitive or underdeveloped. Quite the opposite. These guys know what they’re doing, and work hard for the whole of the album’s 48 minutes to evade your expectations; all so that you can jam out with them and use their exciting off-the-cuff spazzing as a means to live in the moment for once." -biasedbiographer
"The fuckchild of Black Flag, Can, and Miles Davis." Wolf-Rilla von Man-Ape III, Rawker Records
"Because the band focuses on the organic electric current that occurs between artists in the heated moment of creation, their music evokes an indescribable energy. They are less concerned with documentation as they are the purest instant of collaboration…and they are damn good at it." -Shawnie Hamer, Newsbreak
"(Punketry is) one of the most unique events on Denver's literary scene." - Westword
This is your chance to cut loose and dance your ass off to Boulder’s (RIP) best punk rock band. They will be plugged in and the sounds of political and social dissent will echo through the mountain canyons. Bassist Matt Clifford has promised maximum intensity whether everyone’s passed out on the floor or not." -Boulder Poetry Tribe
"Black Market Translation is a meow-meow naughty band! They self-flagellate and offer the handle. Usually this goes unanswered because our need to see ourselves so much better and so much different than others is triggered by watching the self-deprecation and meowmable palpitations to divine the vulnerable similarities within. Cliff is a bad boy who doesn't want to clean up his dirty bottom. Thinks he's Captain Thumpypants. Chris is a bad boy. Doesn't put his toys away and thinks he's Johnny Spaceship. Justin is a bad boy. Thinks he's Bangy Shaman with the blast beats. Actually I think Eric may drum for Black Market Translation now and I'm going to throw them all under the light rail again for misremembering. Psychpunk? More like Infidelic. You fucking cracker-ass gentiles with your anglicized names. It never goes away." -Brénainn Ricard O'Naraigh Belvoïr